Sunday, January 11, 2009

One is the Loneliest Number...

Lucy's still out on her longer walk with J, but I thought I'd post these pictures of Henry, miserably whining, waiting for her to get back...who says they don't love each other?

Play Fighting Over a Ball

It began something like this: a ball in his mouth, minding his own business. Until...

...another potential ball boss appeared on the scene. She moved stealthily, and then...

...the once dominant king of the racquetball found himself pinned helplessly, as he scratched, clawed, and whined his way back towards victory...

...which would ultimately not be his.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Road Trip

We went to Illinois for the day on the third, and I thought I'd just post a couple pictures of the dogs from when they were riding in the car. Lucy always throws a fit about riding that long in the car, but she still looks good while doing it...
