Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Animal instincts, don't leave your stuffed toys around

We've tried giving Lucy stuffed toys in the hope that she'll carry them around and play with them only to be repeatedly disappointed when she rips them to shreds and we end up having to pick up the fluff. Stuffed toys usually end up about like this:

Knowing how she reacts to stuffed likenesses of fuzzy woodland creatures, her response to the two guinea pigs residing in the playroom of Anthony's parent's house. We took the dogs up to Illinois with us to visit A's parents for Christmas and Lucy took careful interest in the large cage propped up just about dog-eye level. The slight rustle of guinea pig bedding caught her attention and her reaction was something to the effect of "omg that's the biggest snausage I've ever seen! don't worry guys, I got it..."

Watching Lucy eye the guinea pigs was amusing, but it shows just how much of a wild animal she still is. Despite being house broken and a domesticated pet, she still has a strong prey drive. We definitely need a large space where she can go out and chase the animals in the yard. Someday we will, but until then she'll have to settle for mutilating stuffed ducks.

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