Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Stubborn as a Bulldog

Our mutts are spoiled, I'll go ahead and throw that out there right from the beginning. Until the last month or so they had their own space, their own room even. It was just a side room connected to the living room, filled mostly with our storage, dvds and two worn out (but amazingly comfortable couches). For a couple of dogs, it was pretty much a palace. Every night they snuggled up on their own private couch and slept like babes. Then everyone's favorite season hit: winter.

That side room I was talking about? Yeah, it's not insulated and therefore an energy trap in the winter months. The room formerly known as "the dog room" is now "the cold room" and for good reason. The french double doors get opened only when something is needed from the collection of junk piled in along the walls and when they do, it's about 10 degrees colder in that room.

Back to the dogs, they lost their couch for the time being. They'll get it back when the weather is a little more accommodating, but for now they have to settle for the couch cushions on the floor, topped with a fleece blanket. Still pretty posh if you ask me, they don't deserve it. They can be brats. Seriously. I suppose for the purpose of this post I should say "he" is a brat, but that's just not giving Lu her full credit.

The transition was smooth at first. No confusion between dog couches and the people only couch. However, in the past week or so Henry has taken to sleeping on the forbidden couch whenever he can. He knows it's wrong and he completely sells himself out after every time he parks his ass in the corner of the couch. Even when it's not obvious he's been up there, when we walk into the room he lowers his head and sinks as low to the floor as is possible, he might even sink through if he keeps at it. We're going on about a week now of his sudden decision to ignore the rules, any longer than that and I might loose my voice from yelling.

He only looks innocent. Don't let it fool you.

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